Looking Back, Looking Ahead

The transition from old year to new always feels like a time for both reflection and goal-setting. But I want to be able to look back and look ahead not just on the things I “did,” the boxes I ticked, but on what I’ve learned. So without further ado, here are two things I learned in 2022 and three things I hope to learn in 2023.

Two Things I Learned in 2022

It’s OK for goals and plans to change

I didn’t accomplish all my 2022 goals. I didn’t set up a print-on-demand storefront for my lettering or get my design portfolio up to date. And I didn’t learn to rollerskate. But I did accomplish a lot that wasn’t on my original list. I decluttered my whole house. I went on a personal retreat weekend trip to quiet, cozy Cumberland, MD. So instead of mourning unfulfilled goals, I’m celebrating shifting gears and acknowledging my needs as the year unfolded. I want to take this lesson with me into the new year as I set new goals and plans in motion with the intention of being flexible and forgiving about how they actually play out.

It’s OK to talk about disability

Early in 2022, I set an intention to engage more with the disability community. From that came some unexpected connections. I started off by reading the “Disability Visibility” collection of essays edited by disability activist Alice Wong. The revealing, formidable narratives made me feel empowered and excited to make myself more visible as a member of the disability community. I wrote a blog post about disability representation in photography and identifying as disabled, which helped my clients know me better. Because of that blog I was connected with a new client that specifically wanted to work with a disabled designer. I became a member of the Diversability Leadership Collective to learn more about what disabled activists are up to and how I can be a part of it. Finally, I participated in the Askability interview series on YouTube to talk about the accommodations I use in day-to-day life. It was uncomfortable and challenging, but I’m so glad I am pushing myself to show up authentically as a disabled person living with MS in my work as well as my personal life.

Three Things I Want to Learn in 2023

How to ask for help

I feel like 2022 was a year of extreme burnout for everyone as we struggled through the post-but-it’s-not-actually-over pandemic era. Not wanting to add to anyone’s load, I kept to myself quite a bit. Let’s just say that wasn’t the best approach for me in the end. I’m okay asking for help when I have very specific needs in my personal life, so I want to work on building that power in my business life as well. 

How to redefine my relationship with my phone

2022 brought some stress that made me really want to check out and not deal for a bit. I got a bit more dependent on my phone to occupy and entertain me than I’d like. I’ve realized that kind of checking out doesn’t serve me well – I feel more anxious and overwhelmed when I engage with my phone and social media too much. I have some resources I want to explore like checking out the book “How to Break Up with Your Phone” by Catherine Price. Also, apparently there are phone lockers you can put your phone in when you want to unplug. I’m open if you have any suggestions that have worked for you as well! 

How to make art that’s just for me

It can be tough to find the right balance of sharing versus not when it comes to making my personal hand lettering artwork. I don’t know if it’s social media culture or hustle culture, but it definitely feels like people don’t really have hobbies or things they enjoy doing just for pleasure anymore, you know? It’s like something isn’t worthwhile unless you can either make money from it or post about it online. I want to get back to creating for the joy of creating. It can feel like a chore to keep up with posting my lettering on Instagram and finding ways to engage folks over video. I want to take a step back from the sharing and posting, and explore how it feels to make things just for me. 

What did you learn in 2022? What do you hope to learn in 2023?

Christy Batta